Mitsubishi heavy fdc224kxe6 мануал
Please refer to the manual provided with eco touch REMOTE. CONTROL produced by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. Please read through this manual before. Air-conditioner User's Manual. Residential Air-Conditioners : RAC Single/Multi split; Inverter Packaged Air-Conditioners : PAC Single/Multi split; VRF inverter. 5.3 Installation manual of wired remote controller (Option parts) Note (1) Figures in the parentheses in the above table are applicable to FDC224KXE6. Габариты, мм. Масса, кг. Цена, fdc224kxe6. 22,4. 25, х1080х fdc280kxe6 Описание Mitsubishi Heavy FDC224KXE6, цена, фото, видеообзор, инструкция. The reward programme from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries For pipe work limitations see installation manual 2 core non polar 1.5mm2 FDC224KXE6. 221kg / 0.52m3 (FDC224KXE6). • Transportation . Fan blade design adapted from MHI's aerospace division - with serrated edges that . For the capacities under low temperature conditions, refer to technical manual. Heating. SERVICE. MANUAL. FDA Series Split Systems. FDA Series Multi Systems. Page 2. Page 3. MITSUBISHI HEAVY INDUSTRIES - PAC SERVICE MANUAL. FDC224KXE6. FDC224KXE6 Heat Pump - Outdoor Unit Copyright © 2017 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Air Conditioning Europe, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Внешний блок мультизональной системы воздушного охлаждения Mitsubishi Heavy FDC224KXE6. FDC224KXE6. FDC280KXE6. FDC335KXE6. 12 НР. 14 НР. 16 НР. 18 НР. FDC335KXE6-K. FDC400KXE6. FDC450KXE6. FDC504KXE6. 20 НР. 20 НР.